

More Duck Facts

Needs more duck facts.
  1. Ducks have five stomachs and they can convert matter directly into energy.
  2. When dropped in a vacuum, a duck feather will fall faster than a bowling ball.
  3. Ducks have this thing called a cloaca that serves as an all-purpose orifice for their urinary tract, intestines, and reproductive organs. This isn’t all that special, but I think it’s neat. Also, they defecate and micturate at the same time in one semi-solid blob.
  4. Duck sneezes are a powerful stimulant that can be dangerously habit forming. Be sure to call your doctor if symptoms persist more than four hours.
  5. Ducks are terrible drivers.
  6. The brain waves of a duck are mathematically perfect.
  7. A lone duck singlehandedly held off over 500 men at the battle of the Daisy Park Bridge.
  8. They can smell if you’re not having fun.
  9. Jeff Goldblum is friends with several ducks.
  10. Ducks exist across six spatial dimensions. 
  11. According to classical mechanics, duck flight shouldn’t be possible. It only occurs due to the cumulative effects of quantum tunneling. 
  12. I’ve seen a duck punch through a concrete wall.
  13. Duck bills are a 14 on the Mohs Hardness Scale.
  14. That creaking sound that you hear at night; that’s a duck in your walls. It’s checking for bad wiring, because only ducks can prevent house fires.
  15. Duck feathers are a fractal pattern down to the atomic level, and have near infinite surface area.
  16. Nervous tissue from ducks is a room temperature superconductor.
  17. Ducks are allergic to ska music.
  18. The morality of ducks is based around if actions will make someone smile.
  19. The nose that fell off the sphinx was actually a duck bill.
  20. The universe only exists within the mind of a duck.
  21. Life started on Earth when a duck traveled back in time and pooped in the primordial ooze. We evolved from duck poop is what I’m saying. Also, the duck came first, not the egg.
  22. The English unit, foot, is actually based on the Welsh word for duck, “fwtl” (also the origin of the word “fowl”), and not the anatomical feature. The distance was originally based on the length of a prototype duck, which is mummified and kept in the basement of the Tower of London. Now it’s based on how far light travels within a specific fraction of a second, which is lame.
  23. Your dragon style is no match for my duck style kung fu.

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