

2015 Pictures Dump

            So I spent another summer working construction observation. As always, I was sure to keep my camera handy. Same as last year, I think got enough interesting shots to deserve a picture dump.
            I was on a project in the Bakken Oil Patch. They say work has slowed down, but it still looked plenty busy to me.

Drill Rigs
There were always a couple drilling rigs nearby

Work didn't stop after the drilling was done either

            The work I was observing was the rebuilding of about nine miles of county road. There was plenty of earth moving and paving to provide photo opportunities.

Stuck Scrapper
Lots of Caterpillar equipment

Triple Scrapper Pull
Scrapper high jinks

Sleepy Pavers
Hours were generally long

            The project ran from May to November. I was up there long enough for this:

Full Box
Brand new box culvert

            to go to this:

Frozen Box Culvert
Frozen box culvert
            Such is life on the road. Everything take on a special perspective.

150000 miles
Special mileage milestones

Test Shack Pizza
Cooking pizza in the testing shack

Pink Finger
Pink paint got on everything

Tumble Weeds
One day the wind blew at least a thousand tumble weeds through site in about an hour

 Hotel Receipt
This was my hotel receipt at the end of the year

             I also took plenty of pictures of little things that happened to catch my eye.

Painted Rock
I didn't paint this

Muddy Pylon
The fact that this single pylon had a complete covering of mud intrigued me

Cross Inlet
Something about the symmetry

Old House
North Dakota still has it's old timey charm

Night Paving
It's like Chinese New Year

 Muddy Sign
Textbook mud spatter

Night Rig
Work rarely stopped
I had to take some more flare pictures

            And of course I had to photograph all the wildlife I saw.

Cow of both the Red and Black Angus varieties

Plenty of seagull, just not a lot of sea

The Birds

Pheasant and Fiber Rolls

I learned this year that they're ground squirrels, not gophers

They don't have the teeth to be gophers

My pet, snakey

Muddy turtle

A little green frog

Crawfish crawling back to the water
The clam couldn't crawl

Fuzzy Caterpillar

Flying Ant
Bug on my clipboard

            Sometimes I didn’t actually see the animals.

Barn Swallow Nests
This isn't even a barn

Raccoon Print
Sinister raccoon tracks
            And the animals weren’t always alive when I found them.

Dead Snake
This is not snakey

Dead Fish
Didn't smell as bad as it looks.

Dead Bird
Not all baby birds learn to fly

Dead Coyote
Not wiley enough

Dead Rabbit
This one was still pretty fresh

            And that does it for this year’s work pictures. I only made it snorkeling once over the summer. Pictures were sub-par compared to last year, but I guess I can throw the best one in just for continuity.

High fish count, low visibility

            No ducks this year. I was upset too.

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