

Wildlife Pictures

            I also took some pictures while I wasn’t working or underwater. They’re all wildlife photos. I think my fallback career should be a National Geographic photographer. That, or a foot model.
            Anyway, first off are some of St. John’s terrestrial and airborne wildlife:

Ghost Crab
A Ghost Crab on the beach

Feral Donkeys
Some lazy Asses

Anoles fighting
Some angry anoles

A seagull that wanted my breakfast
Pelican and Seagull
Here is the pelican that was diving into the school of minnows

            There were also Mongooses on the island, but they were too skittish to get a picture of. My only picture of the local deer was in low light so it didn’t turn out very well. I think the deer had island dwarfism because they were really small compared to the deer I’m used to. Speaking of deer, I also took some wildlife shots in South Dakota too.

Mule Deer
This is what I think of when I hear the name Mule Deer

A nice sized mantis
Fuzzy Caterpillar
And a fuzzy caterpillar

            The South Dakota animals may lack the novelty of those in the Caribbean, but I still like them. That does it for the picture dump. If you work for National Geographic feel free to give me a call.

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