

Diving Pictures

            It was another good year for diving. As always, I was sure to keep my camera handy for any photogenic fishes. I found a couple, and a couple that weren’t fishes too.
            Working in North Dakota over the summer, I didn’t make it to the lake as much as I would like. I went out a few times, and took a few pictures:

Bass by some rocks
A bass by some rocks
A catfish

            Much more exciting that any lake in South Dakota was my trip to St. John in the Virgin Islands. I spent a whole week snorkeling in the Caribbean, and it was stupendous. There were white sand beaches with coral and all sorts of exciting stuff just off shore. Plenty of good picture material:

Sergeant Majors, Yellow Grunts, and Coral
This was one of the first things I saw
Yellow Grunts and Coral
All the fish and coral!

Yellowtail Damselfish
Black fish

Blue Tang
Blue fish
Spotted Trunkfish
One fish

Bluestriped Grunt, Parrotfish, and Fan Coral.
Two fish

Cero Mackerel
Bold fish

Shy Fish

Fish with small fins

Fish with big fins

Minnow School
Lots of little of fish

Juvenile Yellowtail Snapper?
One little fish

Spotlight Parrotfish
And these guys was probably my favorite

            All those were just the common stuff. There were some less common fish that I was able to spot too. These are the pictures I’m proudest of:

Yellowhead Jawfish
This one lived in a hole and was really good at swimming backwards

Spiny Lobster
Most of the stuff that I had a hard time finding was nocturnal, so they would do stuff like hide in the rocks

Peacock Flounder
This one could change color!

Spotted Moray
He looks mean, but he wasn’t very big

Caribbean Reef Octopus
A sinister cephalopod

And the elusive Porcupinefish

            There were also a few things I found away from the coral. Things that weren't bony fish:
Rays were pretty common, but this was the biggest one I saw

A Cuttlefish and some Conchs

Marine Hermit Crab
I really had to zoom for this one to catch it out of its shell

Flame Streaked Box Crab
Another crab

Green Sea Turtles
And I can’t forget these dudes

            My only complaint about going to the Caribbean was that fresh water diving really doesn’t compare. Still totally worth it. I also have some pictures I took above the water, but this post was already long enough. Next time.

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