

Top Ten (Thirteen) Things to Do Before I Die

1.  Knock someone out and steal their clothes - Then I'll break in to the facility and foil all their dastardly schemes.

2.  Invent Something - Something cool, like masers.

3.  Have Kids - Gotta replicate that DNA.

4.  Get a helicopter piloting license - You never know when that will come in handy.

5.  Have a mathematical constant named after me (can that happen while you’re still alive?) - If I have to be dead first, I guess I would settle for a Nobel Prize.

6.  Wear a Class A Hazmat Suit and a Tuxedo - Preferably on the same day, double preferably at the same time.

So Cool

7.  Become a God-King - It would be a tough job, but I think I could handle it.

8.  Solve a serious problem with my penis - Bonus points if it’s a problem I created with my penis.

9.  Get something published or get my name in credits - at a moderately impressive level anyway.

10.  Live Forever - why not.

11.  Cross an Ocean - There are Australians over there.

12.  High Five Ryan North - Tall people give the best high fives.

13.  Punch a Dolphin in the face - They're just asking for it.



                It’s the Winter Solstice and you know what that means? Pagan religions celebrations! As a member of the Norse religion I like to celebrate the Yuletide in two ways. Cake and Fireworks. There are two problems with this plan. First, cake isn’t really something that you should do alone (friends don’t let friends cake alone). Second, my neighbors are having a Mayan New Year Party and fireworks might make them believe there facetious festivities a little too much. I will probably just celebrate the same way I celebrate most Friday nights; stay at home and maybe play some video games.
                Anyway, I made you a Yule card (you being anyone interested in receiving a Yule card via blog post). Here it is.

                I hope you like it. I also hope you enjoy this, the shortest day of the year.

                If you live in the Southern Hemisphere it is Midsummer, another great holiday, and I made a card for you too. Check it out.

                I wish you a happy Midsummer or Yule or New Year (according to some calendars).


John Stockton

                John Stockton is my favorite basketball player (just beating out Muggsy Bogues), and probably my favorite athlete. Here are some reasons why John Stockton is stupendous.

  1. Played his entire career with the Utah Jazz
  2. Only misses 22 games in his career, with 18 in one season (is third in most games played)
  3. Played on the 1992 Olympic Dream-Team
  4. Played in ten All-Star games
  5. Average a double-double in points and assists
  6. Part of the quintessential pick and roll duo with Karl Malone
  7.  Never won an NBA championship (lost to the Chicago Bulls twice)
  8. Wore short-shorts
  9.  Reserved family man
  10. Gave up salary so his sons hockey team could get ice time
  11. Known as one of the NBA's dirties players (I call it good defense)
  12. Is white and only 6’-1”


Records he holds
  1. Most career assists - 15,806 (second has 11,916)
  2. Most career steals – 3,265 (second has 2,593)
  3. Seven of the top ten assists per season, including the top four
  4. Most seasons with one team - 19
  5.  Most games with one team – 1,504
  6.  Most consecutive games with one team

If that doesn't convince you, I don't know what will.


Infinity, Alternate Universes, and Hermaphrodites

                Infinity is an interesting concept. A seven year old will tell you that infinity is the biggest number that there is, but that isn’t really correct. Infinity is a lack of boundaries or limits. Since a number needs to have a value, infinity is something else. It is something abstract, like the idea of forever, which can never really be pinned down. Infinity is a lot more useful than forever though. For one, it is a good way to tell when math, especially physics, breaks. Infinity is the solution to dividing by zero, and it often makes an appearance if you try to theorize a massive object travelling at the speed of light. Infinite series and asymptotes are also cool.
                Infinite divisibility is probably my favorite aspect of infinity. Basically, it is the idea that you can continuously divide something up into smaller pieces, forever, without getting pieces of zero size. Then understand that this same process can be done with every piece. It is what the Dewey Decimal System is based on. Now, there are a couple ways to infinitely divide something. You could create and infinite different values that exist between one and two, and when summed, these values would create infinity. You could also divide one by half an infinite number of times, and these values would sum to two. Understanding the difference between these cases is the key to realizing that Zeno’s Paradox is nonsense (also, trying to separate time from space is like trying to remove the direction left, friggin’ crappy paradoxes).
                More mind blowing that any lame Greek paradox is the concept of infinite alternate universes. This is the idea that every single event that has ever occurred could have happened differently, and a universe exists for each of those possibilities. Even more mind blowing, due to the crazy coolness of infinite divisibility, an infinite number of universes exist for each possibility. This means that every universe that you could imagine would exist. Assuming that this idea is true; there is a universe where you wore a green shirt today, a universe where you were born as the opposite gender, one where you and I having sex right now, one where we are having sex and will live forever, and one we are doing it / living forever / being true hermaphrodites capable of self-fertilization who start the new super race of Homo Superior (because if you can impregnate, get pregnant, or get yourself pregnant, you are basically the Ubermensch). Guess what, there is an infinite number of universes where that happens.


Top Ten (Six) Dinosaurs

1. Parasaurolophus - I have a preference for duck-billed dinosaurs naturally. This is my favorite due to the head crest.

2. Tyrannosaurus Rex - If you had jaws that were capable of crushing everything, you wouldn't need big arms either.

3. Ankylosaurus - Armor plating... check, tail club... check, name that makes a good pun about sour ankles... check.

4. Diplodocus - My favorite sauropod. I can't really say for certain why, but it might be because the name is fun to say.

5. Stygimoloch - A pachycephalosaurid, which means that it has a thick skull meant for ramming, which I like. The Stygimoloch had really sweet horns, hence the devilish name.

6. Thalassomedon - A plesiosaur, so Lock Ness Monster material. This genus had a 39 ft length and a 20 ft neck, and I just like those proportions.


We’re All Going to End Up Married to Robots

                Robots are the future. When I say robot, I sometimes technically mean android (or gynoid), but the word robot is just more fun and all inclusive. What makes robots so powerful is the fact that they can be designed intelligently. They don’t have to go through the random hit-or-miss of evolution.  They can be designed around a specific task, which allows for perfect specialization. A robot has the advantage of being able to focus its whole existence towards one goal, and doesn’t get distracted by fringe stuff like entertainment and sleep. Since there is such a taboo with genetic tampering, robots are our best bets for making the most stupendous things possible.
                Modern robots are already better than humans at a number of jobs. These jobs include exploration, manufacturing, and being expendable. There hardy mechanical bodies allow them to easily survive in many environments that would be deadly to a human. Robots also never got bored, so they can do the same crappy job over and over without losing focus. They also excel at working at a consistent level of quality, and can work in extreme synchronization without any ego conflicts. Still, advanced tasks that require a wider range of skills and adaptability are currently best done by humans, but that is only due to our limits in building and programming robots.  Robots are also currently quite limited in their ability to learn and/or self-program, and this brings us to the discussion of artificial intelligence (AI).

Robots are better than you
                AI is where robots really have room to grow. In the future we will be able to build smaller, cheaper, and more versatile robots, but it is the intelligence side that holds the real potential for advancement. Imagine a machine with a body built specifically for a certain task, but with the problem solving ability of a human. Such creations would reduce the jobs that humans are superior at down to art and philosophy. I don’t know if being reduced to a life of self-indulgent hedonism would be considered a robot apocalypse, but that is what we're looking at.

This robot already looks like he could do my job better than me
                You may be wondering how all this all ends up with us being married to robots. Well, if robots could be dominant at almost every function, then why couldn’t they be the best spouses? Picture a robot with strong AI that is programmable. Such a robot could be created with the exact personality to compliment your own. What human relationship could ever compare to that? Barring some automatonophobia, it would be practically impossible not to get along perfectly with your new robot companion. There would be no troublesome conflicts of interest or differences in perspective, unless you wanted them. By the time that we are able to produce strong AI we will probably also be able to produce robots with bodies that perfectly resemble our own (or the robots will be able to produce them). Once again, how can mere human attractiveness ever compare to something that was created specifically to suit your preferences? Robots would never have to deal with any of the natural limitations that humans have. If you want a woman with an 18” waist, perky D breast, and who shares all or your interests, that would easily be possible (she sounds a little uncanny to me, but whatever). The real robot apocalypse won’t be when we are reduced to a bunch of lazy pleasure seekers, but when we can’t be bothered to deal with other humans long enough to actually reproduce (Perfect Robot Babies!).


I’ve Dug Many a Mighty Fine Hole for Myself

                An open patch of ground and a shovel is all that I need to have a good time. Nothing fancy, just a hole in the ground. Ever since I was a kid I liked to dig holes. They never serve any intended purpose, and are just something that I enjoy from time to time. Digging holes is a relaxing, physical, and strangely rewarding activity.
                The activity of digging is relaxing to me due to it repetitive and somewhat rhythmic nature. The steady step-scoop-dump action is simple and soothing. The biggest problem I could imagine occurring would be placing your dirt pile too close to your hole, so that the dirt runs back in (also hitting utilities might ruin your day). It is a very straightforward activity, and it can hold my focus for long periods of time without my getting bored. Being outdoors also helps to relax me, and digging feels like it is interactive with nature, but not in a jarring way. I can’t fully articulate it but digging just makes me feel at peace.
                Digging’s physical nature is also something that I enjoy. Digging can be a work out, but isn’t strenuous, and you only have to work as hard as you want to. Working up a sweat isn’t hard, and sore muscles aren’t uncommon, but it doesn’t make me want to throw up like when I do more intense exercise like jogging or swimming. Handling a shovel is a very good way to get calluses, which I enjoy for their sheer manliness. Blisters are not unheard of, but I kind of enjoy them too in my own “hardship builds character” way. Another side effect is getting dirty, but in its pure form. Literally being covered in dirt is fairly tame, and is just sort of fun in a slapstick kind of way.
                Creating something has always made me feel good, and few creations are more simple or uncomplicated than a hole. Unlike similar activities like shoveling snow, or chopping wood, digging is done solely for its own sake. I’ve had that odd fantasy of finding a fossil, some gold, or a lost artifact, but there is never any disappointment when I don’t. The activity is the goal, and the end result is clear. An elementary hole can never really be finished, but it is always finished at the same time. It can always be deeper or wider, but it remains a hole. It is something that is already perfect, but can still be improved. I think that this is a feature that only straightforward creations like holes can possess.
                All in all, I think it is the simplicity that is what I truly enjoy about holes. Digging a hole is an unadulterated act of creation, and is not lacking for anything in my opinion.


Top Ten (Eight) TV Show

1. Mystery Science Theater 3000 - So simple yet so hilarious. Sarcastic robots watching B-movies is one of my favorite things ever, and the humor cuts me straight to the bone.

2. Monty Python's Flying Circus - I love British comedy, especially from these guys. Some of the most absurd sketches I have ever seen and the loose continuity between sketches was sweet. I am a big fan of the Palin/Cleese duo.

3. Star Trek - The first great science fiction TV show in my opinion, and still one of the best. The Kirk/Spock/McCoy dynamic was solid and a little Scotty never hurt anyone. William Shatner is the man.

4. Entourage - Basically a TV show of the male fantasy life. I prefer the first few seasons when they didn't have any serious problems.

5. Firefly - Another great science fiction show. It has a sort of steam punk feel which I like and it was very well cast. Shows about flying around in space are just generally very appealing to me.

6. Band of Brothers - Technically a mini-series but I'm counting it. Quality World War II story from the same team that brought you Saving Private Ryan.

7. Insomniac with Dave Attell - A travel show about late night goings on. Dave Attell is my favorite comedian so that's a bonus.

8. The Twilight Zone - A show that could be about anything, and always tried to make you think. The Rod Sterling intro's were always stupendous.


My History with Women - Part Four (Still Lame as Hell: The College Years)

                Now I’m a college student in Rapid City, SD. High school senior cockiness has been replaced be college freshman meekness. The beard was gone, only to be replaced by an atrocious ball cap that I had been wearing for ten years (what it lacked in cleanliness and structural integrity it made up for in sentimental value). I had also been wearing nothing but shorts and white tee shirts (symbolically appropriate color wise) for a few years now. I was prepared to meet new and interesting women, and then repel them just as hard as ever.
                We can basically skip my first two years, because they were uneventful even by my standards. Living in the dorms made me even more anti-social than usual, and I was big into escapist video gaming at the time. I did develop a crush on a geology major who was in my Chemistry 101 lab group, but I never did anything but pine after her for the rest of my college career. I should also mention that my college had something like a 7:1 boy to girl ratio, so it wasn’t exactly a target rich environment.

This picture actually has an atypically large number of girls in it
                In junior year, my best friend transferred schools and we got a place together, so my social attitude was much improved. I started to make some actual friends in my classes, but mostly the non-traditional students since I have always been precocious, and wasn’t about to go mainstream with my socialization or anything. One of my friends happened to be a single mother with a job, so we developed a mutually beneficial relationship where I would help her with school and she would introduce me to women. This led to a couple of misadventures. First she introduced me to her cousin who seemed like a good match for me. The problem was that she was leaving on a Peace Corp trip in a few weeks, so there wasn’t a lot that I could do with that.
                The more interesting match happened in the summer after junior year. I was interning in Pierre, SD, and that happened to be the location of the Girls’ State Softball Tournament. My friend was on a team and invited me down to meet people. There were hundreds of girls there so the odds of finding a girl who would talk to me were good. One girl flagrantly said hello to me as I walk past her and her friends, so I was feeling confident. My friend eventually coaxed a shortstop into talking with me, since I am completely unable to cold approach women. We chatted between games throughout the two day tournament. We were able to keep a steady conversation with the help of competitive sports as a topic, but their weren't exactly fireworks between us. At one point, some of the lesbians present warned me that this girl was tripping their gaydar, but I choose to ignore this and attributed her slight standoffishness to my awkwardness.
                After the tournament ended we agreed to keep texting and she went back to Rapid City. I figured that this would work well, since we could develop a conversational rapport over the summer so that things would be less awkward in the fall when I returned to Rapid and we started dating. I was able to learn a lot about her, some rudimentary conversation skills, and how to text adequately (I got a cell phone when I went to college finally). She was a Radiology Tech intern at the hospital and was from Montana. She liked her peanut butter smooth and had strong feelings against white bread.
                A few weeks before school started I was in town to move to my new studio apartment (my friend was getting an apartment with his girlfriend). I asked if she wanted to go out while I was in town, but she gave me a semi-shady excuse. It was at this point that I began to believe that the fabled lesbian prophesy of old might be coming true. Anyhow, we kept texting until school started and then I was back in town to stay. The jig was up and I asked her if she was interested in dating me. She responded with something like “I don’t want a boyfriend right now”, so either she really was into women or she just wasn’t buying what I was selling and wanted to let me down gently (not unlikely). It is also entirely possible that she was telling the complete truth, and was just busy with her job/school life and just didn’t have time for a boyfriend. Our conversations were never more than friendly, so I didn’t exactly charm her (mostly “how was your day”, and no “here is a picture of me in my underwear”). I got some talking to women practice out of it so no hard feelings.
                I didn’t do anything with my entire senior year, since at the speed I move I probably need more than a year to get anywhere. I also don’t really have any interest in just for fun relationships, so I didn’t want to get a girlfriend just so we could break up when I moved after graduation. I did fall in love with a girl who I saw listening to some Hall and Oates, but I never saw her again after that so it wasn't really a big deal. Now college had come and gone, but my chastity was still holding strong.
                After graduating I started a full time job in Pierre, the same job where I interned the previous summer. I hate to say it, but Pierre isn’t exactly a cornucopia of young single women. On top of that, civil engineering is a terrible profession for meeting females (unless you count the occasional rugged construction working ones, but I would rather not). It has been over a year and a half now, and all I have succeeded in doing is to become even more eccentric and undateable (I started a blog and learned how to solder, LADIES). I stopped wearing my old cap, but have started wearing mirrored aviator sunglasses and Hawaiian shirts, so I’m still driving away women like champion. My current infatuation is a girl who works across the street and rides a bike to work. I’ve started riding a bike to work now in an ingenious a lame attempt to get her attention. I don’t even know her name and haven’t seen her in a while now that the weather is getting cold, so I give it about a 99% chance of not going anywhere. One the plus side, riding a bike to work is totally worth it on its own, and is still fun even though I’m not twelve years old anymore (riding through sprinklers is one of my favorite things ever).

What a jerk
                In conclusion, most people have had more romantic experience during a first date than I have had in my entire life. While writing this I got the impression that my fumblings as a youth were amusing, but as I got older just became somewhat sad. The thing is, I don’t really feel sad about it. I don’t know if it’s just my ego trying to defend itself, but I like the way that I am. For one, my lack of experience makes me different and unique, and that is something I probably put too much value in. Secondly, not needing to maintain complex social relationships also gives me a huge amount of time to do all the things that I want to do. What scares me is that I would like even more alone time than I already have (if I could just stop needed to sleep), and I worry that this could be a problem if I do get into a relationship. Anyway, I'm happy with the way my life is now, but I also think I would be happy in a relationship, so I win either way.

TLDR: I’m going to die alone, but it’s totally cool.


My History with Women - Part Three (Slow Times at Campbell County High)

                High school continues. I am now equipped with a misunderstanding about how attractive women find me and a desire to gain as much dating experience as possible. I still have bad facial hair, and still have no understanding of how to behave around girls. Self-embarrassment ahoy!
                Seventeen was a busy year with two more attempts at dating (I guess all those rock songs were right). The first victim of my spastic advances was WAY out of my league. She was a star on the track and cross country teams, in the advances math class, attractive, and nice, to list just a few of her virtues. We were friendly in school (not flirty though, since I’m not sure if I actually can flirt), and we used to do stuff like play cards in math class, so I think I had semi-decent groundwork set up this time. She was one of the first girls that I recruited for my co-ed softball team, which was basically just a giant scheme to get me a girlfriend, with softball being a fringe benefit (I somehow got enough girls to fill half a softball team, even if many of them skipped games fairly often and we were constantly having problems with getting enough girls to play. The girl I liked had a good attendance record however). I had told some friends that I wanted to ask her out so I had some peer pressure pushing me to make a move, which didn't really help me be relaxed about it. I cornered her after one of our softball games and popped the question “Hey, would you like to go out with me sometime?”. She responded with “You mean as friends?”.  My composure shattered like sugar glass, and I lied “Yes”. She ended up giving me her phone number, and I used it to torture her with a few awkward hang outs over the summer. Not my finest hour. I later learned that she knew that I didn’t intend my proposal to be friendly, but I appreciate it that she rejected me in a gentle fashion, although if she would have been mean about it maybe I could have gotten over her better.

Who wouldn't want to date this guy?
                 Before junior prom I got a little desperate and decided to ask a girl that I didn’t even really like if she would go with me. Since I was still feeling the sting of the previous rejection, I went for what I thought was an easy target. I also tried to determine her feelings before putting myself on the line. This didn’t really turn out well, as my intended intermediary failed to understand my desire for subtlety, and ended up just straight asking her for me. She already had a date, so it was all just a waste of time.
                After that year I became a senior, and had the cocky attitude to go with it. I joined an art class from the purpose of picking up chicks (it was actually so I could graduate with honors, but the chicks angle sounds less lame). There was a nice petite girl in my class who was what I later learned to be emo (it was still a new thing at the time). She had bangs in front of one eye and a red streak in her hair anyway. I was actually able to do what might have been decent flirting, which was mostly due to the fact that we both had friends in the class so it was really just group banter. One of my friends happened to be dating one of her friends (not the same people as the ones in the class), so I thought I had a chance. She already had a boyfriend who wore the same pants as her though, so nothing happened.
                I also did some good (for me) flirting with a girl in my gym class (I consider ironic trash talk and cocky behavior while playing sports to be flirting, even if it's never got a very positive response from girls). I blew any shot that I probably didn’t had with two smooth moves. First, I nearly hit her in the face while spiking a volleyball and was then cocksure about it. She got mad, because you have to protect the moneymaker. Next, I hit her with a racial joke that I don’t think she appreciated.  While walking to the soccer fields someone said “What do soccer and Mexicans have in common?” (she was Mexican). I blurted “Neither one belongs in this country!”, which I still think was clever, but it was also not very sensitive. I followed my quip with an immediate Ohh… as I realize that I had just erred. Both of the previous two girls were sophomore, which I’m not proud of, but I needed every advantage that I could get.

These were my sweet wheels in high school, also my cousin shooting a shotgun
                Towards the end of senior year a girl told me that she would go to the prom with me, but at that point I didn’t really think that starting a relationship would be worth it, knowing the slow pace that I work at. Proms aren’t really my scene anyway. I was feeling a bit defeatist at this point. She was really nice though, and I would tease her about having a brain tumor because she got hiccupping fits. She also complimented me on my speech about digging holes that I gave in English class, which I appreciated. To be honest I just didn’t feel that she was smart enough for me, and I’m not certain if that is a legitimate reason to rebuff her.
                Thus high school came and went, yet my total virginity remained. Next time will take us through college and up to the present.


My History with Women - Part Two (Fail Harder)

 The failure continues. Now I’m in high school, and driving has led me to discovering a whole new world of independence. I had also discovered a new, nearly 100% effective, form of birth control… bad facial hair. The summer before junior year (nothing to report for sophomore year) I found out that I could grow a goatee and mustache without needing to shave my cheeks or sideburns (it just grew in as a natural Van Dyke). I immediately stopped shaving because I thought this was stupendous (I still struggle with acknowledging how terrible of an idea this is). My poor grooming choices did fail to keep one girl from liking me, and this brings us to the most advanced romantic experience of my life.

Don't let the beautiful Alaskan scenery fool you, that beard was terrible
It all started in the lunch room, which would be the key location of our whole relationship. One day while heading back to class I was stopped by a girl. This would easily be enough to make me nervous but this girl really threw me off. She was what I will describe as Hard; an open lesbian, and a punk (spiked dog collar, buzzed hair, authority problems), so I figured that I was about to get punched in the throat. Turns out she wasn’t trying to steal my lunch money, and she informed me that NAME REDACTED liked me and that I should ask her out. I was so startled that I failed to ask her to point this girl out, and left in a daze, desperately trying not to forget this name.
At this point in my life I had realized that I desperately needed some experience with dating. I pulled together all of my paltry resources to find out who this girl was. I caught a break when one of my friends who was working on the yearbook (on the nerdy computer end, not the cool pictures and surveys end) got a picture of her and was able to point her out. I found her attractive and I decided to go for it (I would have found any girl who I knew liked me attractive at this point). I tried something new this time and asked her out in person (it’s easy to be brave when you already know that she is interested).
Our first date was a movie. Her mom had to drive her there since it turned out she was young for her grade (a 15 year old sophomore), and couldn’t drive yet. We barely talked during the whole movie (she had an uncanny ability to answer every question in a way that prevented further conversation on the topic), and the date ended with a hug in front of her mom, so… a lot of progress actually. Other dates include roller skating (I got a blister the size of a golf ball), bowling (with just the two of us, so it was impossible to hold a decent conversation), eating Italian food (I hate Italian food), watching the Super Bowl (I don’t watch football), and religious events (I’m not a fan of organized religion). There were a few particularly awkward moments as well. After we had been dating for a while I had to specifically ask her to go out with me, because apparently dating and going out isn’t the same thing and she wasn’t officially my girlfriend yet. I was also threatened by one of her male friends if I ever hurt her feelings, but he did handstands while he roller skated, so I think I could have taken him. 

Why you gotta always use so much cheese Italians?
At one point, I remembered how we first met. I was walking out of the lunch room a few weeks before the previous mention, when a girl asked me what my name was. I fought the urge to panic as I realized that a girl was talking to me, and over-enunciated my name like a champion. She then asked me if I knew some guy (I forgot his name). I said that I didn’t, so she responded with “Oh, I thought you might since you have the same facial expressions.” That preposterous statement rendered me speechless, and I soon forgot about the occurrence (I also forgot her face, since I managed to avoid eye contact during that whole encounter).
Trouble started in the relationship when she and her friends started mixing with my friends. If I hadn’t been intoxicated by the fact that girls were finally paying attention to me I probably would have found them annoying as well (they were weird kids; a number of them were Wiccans, which I would later insensitively describe as devil worship to make the story more interesting). Her friends thought that they were now friends with my friends, which means that I was the only person ever to bring girls to our lunch table, or fans to our basketball games (I think the main similarity between my friends were their lack of contact with females), but there were some complaints. I had some newly acquired female friends (second degree friends really, but I still thought my girl problems were coming to an end. SPOILER: They weren’t), and my girlfriend was being more forward than they were comfortable with (as in my parents are out of town, can I stay with you for five days).
It was time to break up (this was six weeks in). I had yet to kiss her (the hugging had become a terrible habit), and the peak of the relationship was some side boob I got when she fell into my arms while roller skating. It was a Friday when I decided I would break up with her, but I would only do it face to face, so that meant waiting until I saw her Monday at school. I couldn’t stand to talk to her and pretend everything was okay, so I stopped answering her calls (smooth). She called somewhere in the ballpark of 25 times over the weekend, and this was on a home phone, since I refused to own a cell phone (in case the beard wasn’t enough of a deterrent). After weathering that storm, I met her in the lunch room (naturally) on Monday morning. It turns out that breaking up is one thing that I can do with aplomb. I laid down how I felt and what I wanted and stayed firm. I also finally took the opportunity to check out her missing tooth that she had from when a horse kicker her (it was behind the Canine so you had to look for it).
I found out after we broke up that she was bisexual, so if I was the kind of guy who was into threesomes I might feel like I had missed out (I always thought that she was joking when she said she would go gay for Hilary Duff). She was also a cheerleader (which was uncool at my school), so I can say that I dated a bisexual cheerleader in high school, which sounds fairly interesting out of context. All told, I ended up with some good experience, and she was actually a very nice girl even if this story is biased against her.

I think Hilary Duff and I look pretty similar actually
Next post will tell the tale of the rest of my high school tomfoolery.


My History with Women - Part One (A Pattern Forms)

This is the comprehensive history or all my romantic interactions with the opposite sex. I will tell you right now that things don’t really go well, but I would rather receive laughter than concern about it. I built this house and I have to live in it, and to be honest I am actually still proud of it (this sort of failure doesn't come easy). The names have been left out to save these poor girls any more embarrassment from being associated with me.
                We will start from the beginning. In Kindergarten and the next few years, my core group of friends was made up of two boys and two girls. My favorite of the two was a sweet little petite girl (this is likely why I am still attracted to petite girls to this day). The only real activities that I can remember are recess soccer, chicken fighting, and pee wee baseball. She wasn’t really athletic or anything, but she was always cheerful, and that just made her fun to be around. Sadly she switched elementary schools in 3rd grade, and we lost touch after that.

Your looking at the catcher for the Eagles, Pee Wee Champions
                 The first time I was ever asked out was at some point in second grade. A third grade girl asked me if I wanted to be her boyfriend during recess one day. This was done with the classic method of a note and circling yes or no. I may have missing a lot of romantic experiences, but I totally got this one. I didn’t know this girl so I flipped out and declined her offer. I had an inexplicable girl phobia at this age that I am probably still dealing with the remnants of to this day. She seemed kind of odd anyway, so no regrets here.
                At another point during second grade a girl in my class asked me over to her house on what I will call a play date. I was skeptical because it didn’t sound like it would be very fun, but my mother though it was a good idea that I get some social experience with girls, so she rightfully and underappreciatedly pushed me into going. I can’t remember what we actually did, but I do remember finding it quite boring (Nintendo, Lego, and Capture the Flag were my main interests at the time). I also realized that she had quasi-romantic feelings for me so I broke that relationship like a karate master breaking boards. I was apparently attractive at that age.

The ladies love a bowl cut
                I also had an ambiguous relationship with a Russian girl in my class. She didn’t really talk much, but she did like tackle me and pull my pants down. I’m not exactly sure whether she was flirting with me or just bullying me. She scared the crap out of me either way.
                Fifth grade is when I became part of a real social structure. My group of boys happened to have a corresponding group of girls, so I had that going for me. The main interactions between the groups were prank exchanges, secret codes, and one sided basketball games, but there was also some coupling between the groups. I wasn’t the ladies’ man of the group (the farthest from it actually), but at least I had something to work with. Major events include a ski trip where one of the girls (the outgoing one) had a crush on me for what I only remember being that day. This basically meant that she followed me around all day and took every opportunity to fall on me that she could get. There was also a D.A.R.E. roller skating event (during which I played Kings Corners and never put on a pair of skates), during which my friends had the idea that we should all ask a girl out. I didn’t have any aspirations (at least that I was willing to admit), so my friends took it upon themselves to pick and ask a girl for me. They chose the “sporty one,” and to my chagrin, she said yes. I panicked and told her that I wasn’t actually interested (like a jerk), but that was technically my first girlfriend.

Here is me learning all the sweet skiing skills that I would later use to impress the chicks
                The girl that I had a crush on was the over achiever of the group. Interplay included her teasing me about always failing the preliminary spelling tests, and the one time she failed I passed, so I teased her ten times as hard. I gave her the nickname Skunky, because she had a wisp of light colored bangs in her dark hair (I had nicknames for all or the girls actually, but hers was the only one I ever really used). Other than that I tried to hide my feelings for her, since I believe that if you want to get a girl to like you, you should completely ignore her. This method continues not to work to this day.
                In sixth grade my family moved towns, undoing all of the zero progress I had made with the ladies (actually a clean slate might have been a more favorable position). I did start out with a bit of a reputation as a weird kid though, because I was new, came from a middle school (I had to go back to elementary school, which was LAME), and I wrote in cursive all the time. One memorable occurrence was when one girl started making out with everyone after her boyfriend moved to Australia (she promised to wait!), and I was rumored to be one of her make out victims. I wasn’t of course, but whenever questioned about it, I would never confirm or deny the rumor (not correcting peoples incorrect assumptions if it suits me is something I do from time to time, and I don’t know if it is lying or not). At another point that year, I was informed that the girl who read books every spare moment had a crush on me. I thought I was too good for her (I wasn’t), and never did anything about it. I also threw up at the Christmas Recital. That’s not really related to anything romantic, it was just a good memory.
                In Junior High, I really came into my own at sucking with women. I had my fair share of crushes and more than my share of making no moves. I did tease one girl that I liked by calling her albino (she was very fair hairs and skinned), but I got in trouble for it by a teacher so I stopped (the next year a teacher was calling her albino, so I think the social studies teachers had some sort of sinister joke stealing racket going on). I also teased a different girl I liked for not being as good with computers as me, and she told me I had a head shaped like a dinosaur egg, so that was fun. I wasn’t very popular in Junior High, in case you couldn’t guess. I remember some girls being really surprised that I was a starter on the football team once, because I was a pretty big nerd. One of my math teachers used to seat me next to only girls on purpose to try to help me out. I don’t think girls are attracted to guys who are good at math unfortunately.
On the last day of ninth grade I decided that it was finally time to make a move. My current crush was on the “Queen of the Nerds.” She was the undisputed hottest smart girl in our grade. I fell for her during an archery class in gym when she asked me to help her put on her arm bracer. It went a lot better than my last attempt to touch a girl (she asked me for a quarter, and I got so nervous that I dropped it short of her hand and then ran away), so I believed that I was in (I had no idea what league I was in). So, it was the last day and everyone was gathered in the lunch room signing yearbooks and what not. It was now or never, so I girded my loins... and had a friend ask her out for me (wow past me, just WOW). She declined obviously (she said she didn’t know me well enough, which isn’t surprising since I was afraid to speak to her), and thus ended Junior High.
                We will see you next time for the story or an actual girlfriend.


Top Ten (Eleven) Novels

1. Cryptonomicon by Neil Stephenson
A book that truly makes nerds into heroes. From hackers to cryptographists, the characters in this novel kick asses, but do it using their heads.

2. Ubik by Philip K. Dick
My favorite PKD book, and worth reading just for the clothing descriptions. Doesn't disappoint with a great ambiguous ending.

3. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
The funniest book I have ever read. The universe created in this series is the best I've seen.

4. Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein
The space marine book in my opinion. All the Robert Heinlein goodness without the free love stuff that generally weirds me out. Not very similar to the movie.

5. Ilium by Dan Simmons
Combines the Iliad with science fiction, and a little Shakespeare for flavoring. This and its sequel Olympos are great epic sci-fi.

6. Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong
Romanticized history about the Three Kingdoms Period in China. A massive story about warfare, tactics, and politics. I learned about it from a video game.

7. Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut
A book about human stupidity that only Vonnegut could write. I don't think anybody writes irony as well as him.

8. Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton
More science than the movie and all the plot stuff that only a book can contain. A little lacking in the Jeff Goldblum department though.

9. Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
A book about children so probably best read at a younger age, but still philosophical enough for any age. A very different perspective and war and alien cultures.

10. Fools Die by Mario Puzo
All the great Vegas, Hollywood, and New York greed and corruption that Mario Puzo is know for, but with an author as the main character instead of a gangster.

11. Redwall by Brian Jacques
The Redwall series was one of my favorites as a child. Something I would definitely want to read to my kids. I still think animals with British accents are great.


Religion, even I kind of have one.

                You know what’s cool? Paganism! You probably know about the Greco-Roman Religion and Egyptian Religion, you probably don’t know much about the Celtic Religion, but you may only know a little bit about my favorite, the Norse Religion. If I had to pick an existing religion to be (as opposed to just making one up from scratch), it would totally be Norse, so let’s talk about it (And yes, I realize that polytheism is still common in East and Central Asia and parts of Africa, which is excellent, I just wonder what happened to Western Polytheism).
                So why Norse? Well, it has a few things going for it. You get all the wacky hijinks and drama that you get with the Greco-Romans, but instead of being mostly about sex(/rape /incest) and crazy man-beasts (which are often still part of the sex category), Norse drama is generally about getting loot, and beating people up. The driving force of Greco-Roman mythology seems to be Zeus being really horny, meanwhile the Norse myths are usually fuelled by Loki being a huge prick, but where Zeus is never punished (that’s usually left to his victims) Loki is typically held responsible for his schemes (not that they have any lasting effects though). Norse also has my favorite afterlife and apocalypse, which I will talk about next. I am also of mostly Scandinavian and German ancestry, so Norse kind of appeals to me for that reason too.

A map of the Norse universe
                First, the Norse afterlife is pretty sweet. Proper funerals are important because if you don’t do it right the spirit will totally come back to haunt you, draugr style (basically zombies that can increase their size at will, aka super zombies). Proper funerals typically entail either burial or cremation. Various grave goods are often left with the body for use in the afterlife, which is handy for archeologists, and is totally stupendous when you rank high enough to get a boat sent with you. The spirit can go to a few different places after death. If you don’t die a noble death (noble deaths include dying in battle or at sea), you will probably end up in Hel. Pre-Christian Hel was probably just sort of a bland place were spirits default to, and wasn’t really connected to punishment. If you manage to avoid a lame death (like old age or disease) you get to go to either Valhalla, or Fólkvangr, the realms of Odin or Freya respectively. Details on Fólkvangr are pretty scarce, but Valhalla is what I am talking about when I say my favorite afterlife. The main activities are battling all day, getting your wounds healed, and then feasting all night (lather, rinse, repeat). The purpose is to train to accompany Odin into the epic battle that is Ragnarök (more on this in the apocalypse section). It is just so very Norse to base your ideal afterlife on warring and feasting, but only if you prove yourself a pro at warring and feasting in life (I assume feasting yourself to death would count as noble).  Death also has erotic aspects, since death is described as an embrace from one of the goddesses of the afterlife, and I use embrace in the fullest sense of that phrase (I’m not sure if this works for both genders, but the ladies deserve some sexy death times too).
                Ragnarök, more than just the best word ever (Norse names are excellent, and also their sweet epithets). Basically Ragnarök is the Norse apocalypse, even though the world will continue to exist afterward. All the events have been pretty well laid out with prophesies, and Odin’s favorite pastime is gathering knowledge about Ragnarök. It all starts with the Fimbulwinter, which is three winters in a row with no summers in between. During this triple intense winter there will be a whole bunch of wars, brothers will kill brothers, sons will turn against fathers, and even some incest, so basically some pretty sucky behavior all round. Then Loki and all his evil children (the ones he fathered at least, since being a shape shifter, he has also been a mother) escape from their bonds, plus the giants and the dead from Hel all march on the gods. Highlights of the battle include Fenrir the wolf swallowing the sun and the moon, then going on to eat Odin, before Odin’s son Vidar, using his super shoe powers, rips his jaw apart. Thor battles the World Serpent, is able to kill it, but dies from its poison after taking nine steps. Surt, one of the elder Giants, kills Frey who doesn’t have his good sword at the time, then burns the earth. Loki and Heimdall kill each other in battle as do Tyr and Garm. The survivors of the battle are Odin’s son Vidar (the shoe guy) and Vali (who matured to an adult in one day so he could kill Hodur), Thor’s son Modi and Magni (names meaning Angry and Strong, so I guess they are just made of pure distilled Thorness), plus Baldur and Hodur (Yep, the guy who killed Baldur and was then killed by Vali) bust out of Hel, and the two humans named Lif and Lifthrasir survive by hiding in some special forest. I’m not sure if any goddesses survive, but I guess the guys will have the whole Baldur killing shenanigans to talk about.

                Now you could be wondering, “Hey Cob, who is your favorite Norse God?” (probably not but let’s pretend shall we) so here goes. You may know him for Tuesdays (Tyrsdays) and being totally hardcore (but likely you’ve never heard of him), it’s Tyr, the one handed god of law, justice, single combat, and heroic glory. Tyr doesn’t really have as much face time in mythology as Odin, Loki, or Thor do, but I guess those three nailed down the archetypes of being super wise, super douchy, or super strong respectively, so they are easy to write about. It is also believed that Tyr either used to be the primary god of the Norse pantheon or he and Odin used to be the same god, so Odin may have stolen many of the good Tyr myths. His only major appearances are in Ragnarök when he and Garm kill each other (Garm is basically the Norse Cerberus, and is the hound who guards Hel. He is also quite undermythed), and the story of how he lost his hand. That story goes as such. So Loki shows up at Asgard (home of the gods) with his new son one day. It turns out that his son is Fenrir, an evil wolf who will be mostly responsible for the end of the world. Instead of just killing it now, they decide to raise it, since you can’t break prophesy or something. Being the most courageous dude around, Tyr gets the job of feeding this beast. Alarmingly, Fenrir just keeps getting bigger and bigger, until he is just a massive slobbering death machine. The gods decide that they need to contain this cursed creature for their own safety, so they use their mightiest of weapons, reverse psychology. They get a big chain and then they say to Fenrir “Hey, I bet you can’t break out of this chain”. Turns out he totally can, plus he can also break out of their next chain that is twice is strong, with little to no effort. So the gods decide that they are going to need the best chain ever (the whole best of its kind concept is a bit of a recurring theme in Norse mythology), and when you need something amazing and magical like that, you go to the dwarves. In what must have been the most epic scavenger hunt of all time the dwarves gather the sound of a cats footfall, the beard of a women, the roots of a mountain, the sensibility of a bear, the breath of a fish, and the spit of a bird to make this chain. Instead of a chain though, they take this stuff and make it into a thin ribbon (like carbon nanotubes on steroids). Now the gods take this innocent looking ribbon and bet Fenrir double or nothing that he can’t break out this time. Fenrir gets suspicious at this point because he can probably smell dwarf magic all over that ribbon (literally, because wolves have a good sense of smell, and dwarves are smelly), so he only agrees to let them tie him up is somebody puts their hand in his mouth. Being the brave sort that he is, Tyr volunteers for the job, and then they tie Fenrir up with the ribbon. As the wolf struggles to break out Tyr is standing with his fingers crossed and hoping that the saying never bite the hand that feeds holds true. It doesn’t, and as soon as he realizes that he was tricked, Fenrir bites of Tyr’s right hand at the wrist (or the wolf-joint in Old Norse). So that is how Fenrir was bound until Ragnarök, and why Tyr is “not considered to be a promoter of settlements between people”, since I guess he can’t shake hands anymore or something.

One hand, too bad-ass

                Those are just some of the reasons why I like Norse Paganism, and I hope you learned something. In the end, calling myself Norse only means that I don’t mind if you refer to me as a heathen, and I prefer Yule to Christmas.


Top Ten (Fourteen) Movies

1.  Jurassic Park
Because Dinosaurs, because Alan Grant and Ian Malcolm, because the special effects still hold up today, and because Dinosaurs.

2.  Monty Python and the Holy Grail
I love British Comedy, it has a joke density like almost no other movie, and the Killer Rabbit.

3.  Top Gun
I love the 80's, and this movie still defines what I think is the epitome of cool.
Stanley Kubrick is a god among men, and the ending creates a sensation in me like no other movie.

5.  Memento
It tells a unique story and it tells it in such a unique and perfect way.
More British Comedy, and so much foreshadowing that you have to watch it multiple times.

7.  Die Hard
It is THE action movie. Bruce Willis is my favorite action star, and Hans Gruber is my favorite villain of all time.
The way that they take every crazy occurrence in stride is one of the most stupendous things that I have ever witnessed. Also the car crashes.

9.  Revolver
Guy Ritchie, you don't know what's happening until the end, and it is very cerebral and philosophical.
Akira Kurasawa is amazing, I love Samurai, and I even like the remake of this movie.
The defining post apocalyptic movie, Australians, and Wez.
80's yuppie culture, and an excellent ambiguous ending.
This movie taught me everything I know about taunting in basketball.

14.  Return of the Dragon
Bruce Lee and all the bad-ass things that he does.