

Top Ten (Fourteen) Movies

1.  Jurassic Park
Because Dinosaurs, because Alan Grant and Ian Malcolm, because the special effects still hold up today, and because Dinosaurs.

2.  Monty Python and the Holy Grail
I love British Comedy, it has a joke density like almost no other movie, and the Killer Rabbit.

3.  Top Gun
I love the 80's, and this movie still defines what I think is the epitome of cool.
Stanley Kubrick is a god among men, and the ending creates a sensation in me like no other movie.

5.  Memento
It tells a unique story and it tells it in such a unique and perfect way.
More British Comedy, and so much foreshadowing that you have to watch it multiple times.

7.  Die Hard
It is THE action movie. Bruce Willis is my favorite action star, and Hans Gruber is my favorite villain of all time.
The way that they take every crazy occurrence in stride is one of the most stupendous things that I have ever witnessed. Also the car crashes.

9.  Revolver
Guy Ritchie, you don't know what's happening until the end, and it is very cerebral and philosophical.
Akira Kurasawa is amazing, I love Samurai, and I even like the remake of this movie.
The defining post apocalyptic movie, Australians, and Wez.
80's yuppie culture, and an excellent ambiguous ending.
This movie taught me everything I know about taunting in basketball.

14.  Return of the Dragon
Bruce Lee and all the bad-ass things that he does.

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