

Cosmic Questions

It’s time to definitively answer some questions that no one else seems to want to answer. Let’s do this.

First up: Can God create a stone so heavy even He can’t lift it?
Answer: No. To elaborate, omnipotence means that you can do anything, not create anything. The whole question is just a cleverly disguised contradiction. You could rephrase it as “Can God do so much that he does something that he can’t do?”, and that doesn’t make any sense. The dude can lift anything with finite mass, end of story. I say finite mass because an object of infinite mass would break the universe (infinite gravitational attraction to every other object sort of thing). I guess He could create something of infinite mass, destroy the universe, and then fail to lift it because it no longer exists. I want to change my answer.

Number Two: If we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?

Answer: First of all, apes. We evolved from apes. Secondly, the major evolutionary step between us and apes was moving out of the forests and into the plains. The difference in habitat meant that we were no longer competing or breeding between groups. All the species between us and apes that lived in the plains our ancestors either killed off or interbred with, so that’s why they aren’t around anymore. Apes meanwhile were having their own evolutionary history separated from ours by a bunch of trees.

Number Tree: If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Answer: A tree can’t fall in the forest if no one is around to observer it. All the unobserved trees simply exist in state of superposition where they are both fallen and standing simultaneously. It's not until the trees are observed that their wave functions collapse and they exist in a specific state.

Question the Fourth: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Answer: This depends on whether you believe in creation or evolution. In creation, God made a chicken 6,000 odd years ago and it promptly started laying eggs, so chicken first. For evolution, something that wasn’t quite a chicken laid an egg that hatched into the first chicken, so egg first (I’m assuming the egg in questing is “egg that will hatch into a chicken).

V: How do we fix global warming?

Answer: Do nothing and just let the climate sort itself out. When the temperature rise due to greenhouse gases the icecaps will melt and raise the sea level. It’s not like anybody lives on the coast or anything. Increasing the surface area of the oceans will work as a heat sink helping to balance temperatures. Increased evaporation will result in increased rains (more surface area equals more evaporation right?), which is a natural way of scrubbing CO2 from the atmosphere. Bonus points if the ocean currents change and Europe loses the Gulf Stream. All those new glacier in Northern Europe will be a good storage of water, helping keep sea level down (I’m sure no one would mind is France has the climate of North Dakota and Ireland is indistinguishable from Newfoundland). All that CO2 from the coal and oil is really just what was already in the air a few hundred million years ago. Sure the only terrestrial life supported back then was amphibians and arthropods, but that’s nothing that a few mass extinctions can’t fix. I think we can all stop worrying.

One that I already kind of covered: Zeno’s Paradox

Answer: Look at this math formula that is basically what Zeno is describing.
One is a number between zero and two. It’s also between 0.9 and 1.1. It is in no way infinity. If you can’t get to one from zero you have problems.

Last one: What is the sound of one hand clapping?

Answer: One hand can’t clap. Clapping is defined as “to strike the palms of (one's hands) against one another resoundingly. You need two hands to do that.

Well, I hope we all learned something today. Feel free to ask me more questions so that I can completely annihilate them with my logic and reasoning.

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