

Cob's Dreams

I started a new blog because I apparently don't have enough to work on. It's called Cob's Dreams because I apparently like simple yet descriptive names. It's about my dreams with some self analysis and auguries thrown in for spice because apparently one blog about the idiosyncrasies of my thoughts isn't enough. It all started when I began writing down my dream. Next I decided to draw them, and then I decided to share them. The drawing are a good way to push my skills, so the quality is questionable but they're more ambitious than some of my other stuff. My poor handle of perspective and scale only adds to the dream like quality (I wish). I'm still catching up on some backlog, but I hope to eventually update this blog nearly every day. If this blog isn't unreadable enough for you feel free to check out the new one. I also added an Other Stuff I've Written page on this blog so you can find links to all of my internet ramblings in one convenient place. Cob out.

Cob Dreaming
Why is everything on the end table so tiny?

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