

Don’t Go In the Water

            Let’s talk about dolphins, or as I like to call them, CRAZY SEX FIENDS OF THE SEA. You heard me.
            Dolphins are a beast of pure lubricity and are not to be trusted. Supposedly one on the Earth’s most intelligent animals, they sure have a funny way of showing it. Instead of developing tools or modifying their environment they seem to spend their time coming up with new forms of debauchery. While we’re stuck here on land with our thumbs and our jobs, they’re living an aquatic life of hedonism filled with eating fish and WILD ORGIES. Did I say wild orgies? Sorry, I meant WILD BI-SEXUAL ORGIES. George Washington did not invent marriage so that these prurient porpoises could roll around in a big naked pile. I can almost imagine how these things happen when dolphins don’t even BOTHER TO WEAR CLOTHES. If they were so smart they would develop the concept of shame and learn to cover themselves up, like respectable beings. But no, they just swim around with their smooth hairless bodies and don’t even have the decency to feel bad about it.

Laughing Dolphin
It's laughing at you

Oh, and some of that sex I mentioned earlier ISN’T EVEN CONSENSUAL. THAT’S RIGHT, SEA RAPE. If you haven’t canceled your trip Dolphin Quest yet you should know that they don’t limit these salacious assaults of the sea to their own kind. Other animals may be known to force sexual advances on their bipedal superiors, but none do it with the same despicable cunning as the dolphin. Man is far from capable in the water but do you think this vulnerability is appreciated? No, it’s TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF. They are not afraid to use their flaunted agility to take sexual gratification from the unsuspecting. No fish in the sea could ever be as monstrous as this mammalian molester.

Evil Dolphin
Those are soulless eyes without compassion

            If that information wasn’t enough to enlighten you to the true nature of these contemptible cetaceans here are some more facts about dolphins.

1.  Global population is unknown due to their transient lifestyle
2.  Have excellent eyesight and hearing, the better to stalk with
3.  Possess 80-100 teeth, which are all sharp and pointy
4.  Hunt in highly coordinated groups
5.  Use strong bursts of echolocation as a weapon to stun victims 
6.  Orcas (aka Killer Whales), a species of dolphin, have been know attack and kill humans
7.  Can swim up to 25 mph so you can’t outrun them
8.  Can leap up to 20 feet in the air, so you aren’t safe above the surface 
9.  Only sleep half of their brains at a time, so they never half to stop hunting you
10.  Have exceptional healing ability so shoot to kill

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