

Two Weeks Unnotice

            So I’ve decided to unquit my job. My quarter life crisis is winding down and it looks like I’m going to end up at the same place I started out.
Everything I’ve tried after quitting my job hasn’t turned out as expected. Writing didn’t work, because the stuff I’m motivated to write isn’t stuff anybody would want to read (like my dreams). I still enjoy writing, and I still want to do it. I just don’t expect it to be profitable in any monetary way. Drawing a comic didn’t go well, because I’m not a skilled artist, and I don’t have the drive to become one. Ideally, I would like to continue my comic too, but it just takes so much more time than writing, and I end up with a product that I’m never completely happy with. My comics is indefinitely on hold until I can find a better way to do them. Doing nothing was actually the worst thing I tried. The mix of guilt, ennui, and inner turmoil made it one of the most stressful periods in my life. I don’t know when I picked up the idea that any unproductive free time was something to feel bad about, but it really messes me up. My current alternate career move was to study physics, and it hasn’t turned out like I’d hoped either.
I really just wanted physics to be engineering with more math. It turns out that science and engineering have completely different way of doing things, and I shouldn’t have been surprised by this. Science seems to be about answering questions, and is concerned with the truth. Engineering looks to solve problems, and is interested in what’s functional. Personally, I have a hard time finding interest in truth, since I don’t really believe it exists. Function, on the other hand, is something I always get excited about. In the end, I care more about how things can be useful or how I can improve them, and I don’t much bother with why or how things do what they do. In school I'm taking science and engineering courses side by side. This has made me realize that I’m not cut out for science, but I've fallen back in love with engineering
What led me to engineering originally was a desire to improve the world around me. I went with civil engineering because I get more of a feeling of accomplishment from having big concrete (or steel) examples of the projects I’ve worked on. It’s hard to beat being able to watch a new road, bridge, sewer, earthwork, or building take shape. Standing back when it’s finished knowing that you had a hand in creating it. Knowing that it was improved by your involvement. It’s also fun being able to congratulate everyone on another fine erection. Subjectivity can take all the fun out of scientific discovery, but even I can’t doubt ten miles of pavement or a few thousand yards or earthwork. Civil engineering also has great puns.
During the time I spent away from engineering, all the reasons I had for quitting my job have faded away. All the motives I had for becoming an engineering in the first place have come back. Some of them stronger than ever. Since the scars have healed, I’m going to take down my old two weeks notice post. I just want to move on from all that shit. I learned a lot in the last year and a half, but the most important thing is that I got question of what I should do with my life right the first time.


G'nite 2014

Nighty Night and Sweet Dreams
The end of another year and all was ok at the Alps ….. the nightly emails continue to flow and my grandma continues to be stupendous … I wish to share this stupendousness through graphical representation …. Up first as is appropriate, is the weather …. another good year which saw me move from Pierre to Rapid City … Thankfully the temps in Pierre were still reported so there wasn’t a break in the data …. looking at that data I’d say I made an upgrade in terms of climate …. so gates

Temperature Comparison Graph
Warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer

Running Temperature Difference
There were almost 600 fewer degrees in Rapid City

Throughout the range of the family the weather was lovely …. as usual Gold Canyon was the hotty and New Rockford was wintery with the others a variety in between

Temperature Radar
Rapid City's 58 degree average beats Gold Canyon's 88 any day

Granny Elaine’s days were often spent baking so everyone stayed fat and happy … sewing kept her busy working on quilts, dish towels, pillow cases, and table cloths …. of course all this work resulted in the occasional nappie ….
Activities Graph
March 17th was a busy day
Venn Diagram of Activities
Someone learned how to make a Venn Diagrams

Evenings were often spent at a card table ….. Bingo brought home roughly $113 dollars … forty nights costing $2.00 each would mean a profit of $33 for the year … There were thirty three games of dominoes played …. she won three times but it’s still not her favorite game …. Pinochle playing was on the decline with only 14 matches played resulting in 13 wins and 15 losses …. Golf was played as a last resort only three times in the last year, and it’s still regarded as a stupid game …. I always enjoyed it when I’ve played it, but I was also playing with a girl I had a crush on during my math class instead of working on the assignment so my perceptions may have been skewed ….. Roughly half of the nights of the year were spend playing Hand and Foot …. the boys showed no mercy and won 117 out of 184 games … bummer dude …. Hate when that happens

Hand and Foot Streaks
A couple of bad streaks
Hand and Foot Score Difference

Speaking of bummer dudes, it was another great year for catchphrases …. so gates showed up 449 times at a new record of 1.35 time per email …. Vashislous also had a good year with 42 occurrences … just look at the graph

Catch Phrase Usage Over Time
Dudes where bummered over fifty times

It was a good year for G’nite emails in general …. I received 333 in 2014 and I may have even missed a few due to a mailing list issue early in the year …. They were sent at a much more reasonable times this year with only a few popping up in my inbox after midnight

G'nite Report Pie Chart
I wish I was this reliable
Time Sent Histogram
12:00 is actually noon this time
The closing quotes were plentiful and varied …. because of this, my method of recording them didn’t hold up very well … the categories I tried to sort them into ended up being arbitrary and asinine ….the most common subject was on the trials of motherhood, which is an understandable coming from a mother of 13 children …. I’ll leave you with two that spoke to me personally …. And now it’s time for this not very ole grandson to get to bed …. I hope you all have had a good year and all is well with all of you….Take Care and I Love You All So Very Much … Cob …